Tuesday, April 26

realiti nasib pelajar -.-

salam :)

adehh, lama jugak aku tidak mengepost ape" di sini yep? takde idea? vosan? vusy? entah :D tiada mood der -.- sereh! *sereh is another creatively-innovated term by a Semestarian student yg sampai sekarang i guna in my everyday vocabs. style tidak kami? reka ayat sendiri? LOLL^^ haktuih! remaja sekarang memang semua macamtu la. ade je suke hati kepala batak dy je nak tukar tatabahasa melayu. mana tak nye semua jadi kumbang perosak? 

main point dekat sini sevenanye is that now dah bulan 4 and from time to time i tengok my friends semua, interview sana interview sini. like omaigossh guys, i'm definitely not perli-ing you right now okay? please jgn salah faham. it's just that, i dunno. in a sense of weird and messed up way, i'm just proud of you olllllzzzzzzzzzzz. really!

maybe it isn't just my time yet, but i'll get there.

 see, orang yang dah stream sains teknikal ni when it comes to pursuing further in their studies, options gilaaaa restricted. agggh, system malaysia ni torture taw, tidak aci ceh, dont mean to kutuk.
mintak maaf pihak government, lol.i don't mean to sound rebellious or anything. haaha. it is fyi that graduates with pure science backgrounds have gilaaaa lagi bapak lah luas punya options in choosing the courses they would like to erm, amek lah lepas SPM ni. meanwhile, orang macam saya ni kan, bila dah terikat dengan technical science nak teruskan dalam bidang lain dia jadi payah SIKIT lah. because orang yang pihak atas" ni  they tend to look at the candidate's academic background dulu.dy tengok:
"ohh, budak ni latar belakang tekno, lk bla bla bla. tapi nak pursue management? baik kita put those yang ada basic in front". 
okay faham tak macam mana situation dy sekarang? 

so, bila da bincang punya bincang dengan ayah. i have finally come to a decision! ayah kata,

kakak, ayah dah discuss dengan uncle ni, uncle tu (entah uncle dato mana entah -.-) and so far what they've said macam ni..kakak, you are someone yang graduate dari science-stream. sbp. so, bila kakak nak apply untuk arts-artsy course ni, management, commnunication it wont be that easy.
sebab the malaysian education system ni, their vision is to bring up as many students as they can into the professional discipline. and frankly, you are one of those candidates. so bila kakak nak apply untuk field ni, dyorg akan put you aside dulu lah. they pentingkan mana yang lebih layak in terms of academic backgrounds. apa, sebab dyorg ada basics. and bla bla bla, this went on. so, korang faham lah my situation sekarang ni kan?Skype emoticons-26-nerd 

tapi kalau kakak nak jugak, its not a problem. but for a CEO, or an ambassador lagi bagus, and since sekarang the demands are higher, you would need a professional qualification by means, a degree lah besides a second degree for example in this case a degree in management ke. or macam yang kakak nak ambik tu, international relations? that one is also good! 

kalau akak nak sambung terus after the first boleh ke?

why, boleh la. anak uncle %&#@ (sumpaaa ta igt nama dy) tu, first degree dy engineering (tak silap lah) and second in management. sekarang petronas plak panggil dy :)

so, dah banyak dah tasha bebel ni. i know that there are others out there contemplating with the same circumstances and i wish them the best! Skype emoticons-42-happy as i hope you pray for me too.

ciou people!

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