Thursday, April 7

furrast taw?

salam :)

okay, wpun baru bberapa bulan that i've been blogging(sorry if im not a good one eh?); the frustration is towering doo -.- why? sebab..
this frickin notebook tade  MICROSOFT PAINT!

bila pikiaq punya pikiaq na tekan that teeny punat that says "PrtSc", perasaan hampa meng-ghost-i diri.
tade point pun kalau na tekan, sbb aku na paste dkt mana!?

*sighhhhhhhh, panjang punya sigh. bila lah na dpt hadiah ni? HAHA, gila ape mintak? tak malu, tak senonoh! hissh, muka tembok ke awak ni tsha? Cute Cat Like/Curly Lips hee, tadelah. tsha mana jenis mintak2 ni, unless desperate gilas babuntut *lol, mr. A. yeah, sy guna word fave awak tula! ayah kata dy ada na beli laptop baru.

-ayah rasa ayah nak beli laptop baru lah, kak.
*muka excited, tsha? maybeAngel 

-ke desktop eh? ayah patut beli laptop ke desktop akak rasa?
erm, akak rasa baik ayah beli laptop. my friend sorg ni ckp(ehem! kawan? haha!) kalau selalu sgt pindah susah lah ade desktop ni.

-tula, ayah pun rasa. satu komputer tu ayah ada kasi dekat makcik(i think that's what he said) and lagi satu desktop tu kan ayah tinggal dekat rumah makngah(ok, yg ni i was positive he said it!)
*muka tsha literally was like: from this to this Skype emoticons-14-dull then this surprise and lepas tu mcmnihypnotized
 habis tu, ayah nak biar ke mcm mne? 

-dah tu? takkan nak ambik balik. nak letak dkt mna?
*betul gak apa ayah ckp tu. 
soooo..conclusionnya, laptop lah ea? Skype emoticons-16-evilgrin ngehehe!

tiba-tiba angah nyampok :- kakak wants a macbook!
huh what? Skype emoticons-31-angel lalala~ mimpi jee, manalah tahu kawan ayah ada yg baik hati nak kasi as prezzie ke. HAHA! 
and dgn happy nye ayah ckp;

-aah kan? Apple is very good, right? no virus, its maintenance(or something like that, very long words he used LOL) is very good.
 tula haritu akak tgk my friend @#$^*! tu punya kan, besa kut. beraatt gila, baru 13-inch. belum 15, 17-inch lagi. LAWA! BEST!Skype emoticons-44-nod 

-the price is also bagus lah ayah rasa. kan?
*setuju setuju! cehh, sbb bukan aku yg bayar! hahh!
akk tgk the other day, starting price was like 4000+ or 3000+ (tp better set it high kan?)

so sekarang, tatau lah ape jadi. kalau ayah ta beli macbook for the house pun takpe. ayah beli la dell ke, acer ke mana-mana lah.
sbb i want the macbook for myself! muahahaahaDevil tak guna punya budak! demand na mampuih!

so, dream on jela tsha oi. DREAM ONNNN!

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