Sunday, April 10

my first time (II): ISI MINYAK!

salam :)

ye tsha tau, watder watder?? but sadly it is true, tadi tsha 1st time isi minyak kereta. ALONE, eh without parents lah kiranye. angah was with me, hee. because before this salunya it would be either mom or dad yg isikan. tsha tukang bayar jeSkype emoticons-02-bigsmile apeda segan gilaa, dah la tu 1st time pegi shell tu.awal-awal dah labo(malu):

keluar kereta tadi, "eh dik! bayar dekat sitok jak". adalah pakcik tu, eh silap; ABANG tu waved and pointed towards the lady dkt tmpt isi petrol tu.
tsha plak selamba hippopotamus je nak pegi dkt counter tu nak bayar. rupanya bayar dkt situ jeSkype emoticons-14-dull 

kereta dah stop dah, the engine ape sume dah matikan. then kakak tu cakap, "depan sikit, depan sikit!"
wth? knpe bukan sini je!? but then i realised the sign read,
pffffffffttt!!! habis tu kau panggil aku bawak kereta pegi sini kenapa!?

when i'd gotten out of the car, u could say sume pacik macik, eh salah lagi. abang kakak yg kerja kat situ were looking at me. no, i ain't that pretty to turn heads around eh.(sorry tsha tak cantik)
what, do i look that small to drive huh? huh? chissss, sedih je.
nampak lah by the look on their faces things like "say whaaa? is she old enough to drive?" crossed their minds. lalalalaala..i have good instincts and that was what they were telling me. hadeh, tula tsha comel sgt kan org tak pecaya that i would be the one behind the, one behind the steering wheel? agh, mana-mana pun lah but that's the idea.

tsha serabut tadi and tatau lah what i was act doing. watevurrrrrrrrrrrr -.-" haih. i dont like being underestimated. it makes me feel even smaller! Skype emoticons-24-worried anyways, igtkan tadi nak isi minyak tu SEDIHNYA TASHA TIDAK PERNAH ISI MINYAK KERETA SO I HAD NO FRICKIN IDEA HOW TO DO IT Skype emoticons-11-blush and nasib baik betullah kakak tu yg isi kan. hahahahaha! and so on the way balik td we had some time snapping, wee^^
angah thought that it would be awesum(as she spells it) if she'd take a photo of my first-time-isi-minyak sbb byk kabut sgt, we didnt. segan bahh tgh2 station tu tiba posing pgg benda yg guna utk isi minyak tu. erm what are they called? hahaha.

okay, tsha poyo. i know, :) 

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