Friday, April 29

kalau nak cantik, gigi pun kena jaga!

salam :)

I need a new tootbrush, sakit lah gusi. mommy? mr. A? eh eh, gedik pulak tasha ni apahal!? ahhhh, hilang mood na typing"ni. grr grr! *bak kata Alia Syahida grr itu bunyi perut yang lapar. LMHO!
Habis la, takut nanti secara dentally nye Tasha tak terjaga, ta bole da nak tayang gigi mcm ni lagi dah;

 cehh, padahal ini gmba entah bila entah. dengan muka aku yg tembam bam bam *as Walled by Syameer Faruzzi* err, sorry yg korang nampak smudge dekat dahi aku tu sebenanye taik burung. bodo, time tula dy nak berak dkt windscreen aku -.-

erm sebenanye, aku takde la melimpah ruah punya idea for this entry tapi tiba" nafsu ke-berapa-entah (eventhough they say that women have 9nafsu, i rasa lagi banyak kot!) suruh aku menge-type. just so i could share with whomever-you-are about how caring for yourself dentally is also important! erm, if korang jenis yang jaga penampilan lah. cuba bayangkan, kalau muka gila putih melepak macam tepung jagung punya putih and kulit lembut halus mulus kudus kalah bontot baby, tapi RONGAK macam mana? still awak kata tak cantik jugak kan? well, tak cantik bila bukak mulut jela hee :3 
so, dekat sini i nak cakap lah ye. tak semestinya gigi awak kena cantik tersusun rapi macam kereta api baru orang boleh kata "oh dia cantik lah!" nooo, salah! kalau gigi biasa2 pun tapi bersih dan yg penting tak berbau pun sudah cukup loll, macam iklan apa plak ni? -.- haaha.

tips lain pulak that i can give; erm, guna berus gigi yang jenis Soft. bukan Hard tau! sebab kalau berus tu terlalu keras, it will damage and injure your gums. gusi kamu tu lembut, takdelah keras mana so kalau guna yang Hard brushes, hancho lah gusi tu. kesian, and SAKIT TAU! ya Allah Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa je tau. okay, maybe korang penah jugak dengar orang kata, "wallaweyh, Medium la dol! guna Soft macam takde effect bro dekat gigi, tak mati kuman-kuman tu" haa, samting like det laa kan.but actually ikut suka hati kepala batak kau orang lah. tasha just guna advice dentist je. and pakcik dentist kata gunakan yang Soft! ade lah sebab musabab dy, i'm not quite sure lah biologically effect dy macam mana. hehe, you'll have to look that one up for yourself. i dont want to kasi ajaran sesat kat sini! 

well that's all lah for now, mata i ni pun nak kena manjakan jugak. cehhh, apadahal? LOLL^^ till later!

Thursday, April 28

kira calories anda!

salam :)

hello hello semua yang menyinggah di sini, i don't care what your eye color is or how long your armpit hair is, they're all irrelevant! have you actually ever thought about how many calories you take in? like on a daily basis, how much do you actually consume
i mean, kalau korang" yang orang bandar ni kan mesti familiar with the all-day-opened fast food restaurants eg McDonald's, Burger King (omaiGod i LOOOVEEE BK), Domino's Pizza, Pizza Hut bla bla bla bla, takde keje aku nak list semua so wahtevurr. yeah, so sini tasha nak kasi kesedaran sikit yang apa kau orang makan daily, weekly, monthly mana" lah and how much FAT AND CALORIES you take from eating .....

 padappa pappa paaa..

  yes, we all love it. hey! jangan nak tipu eh, tasha tahu korang mesti suka nye eventhough korang cakap "alah, bosan lah McD selalu dah makan" haaaa? apa apa? selalu sangat makan?! SAH SAH! kalau selalu makan tu pernah ke tahu apa kandungan burger korang tu? berlemak ke, terlebih cholesterol ke apa. erm, sorry tasha tak ambil Biology dulu time sekolah so nak explain scientifically ta reti lah. 
hehe ^^ anyways, let me show you!

(my personal fave, hehe)

Serving Size: 

Amount per serving 

Calories  400Calories From Fat  184

 % Daily Value*

Total Fat  20g32%

    Saturated Fat  4g18%

    Trans Fat  1g 

Cholesterol  39mg13%

Sodium  633mg26%

Total Carbohydrate  40g13%

    Dietary Fiber  1g5%

    Sugars  8g 

Protein  15g 

Vitamin A 3% - Vitamin C 0% - Calcium 16% - Iron 12%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.


Serving Size: 

Amount per serving 

Calories  425Calories From Fat  214

 % Daily Value*

Total Fat  24g37%

    Saturated Fat  4g19%

    Trans Fat   

Cholesterol  46mg15%

Sodium  763mg32%

Total Carbohydrate  39g13%

    Dietary Fiber  1g5%

    Sugars  6g 

Protein  15g 

Vitamin A 2% - Vitamin C 2% - Calcium 13% - Iron 13%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.


Serving Size: 

Amount per serving 

Calories  563Calories From Fat  295

 % Daily Value*

Total Fat  33g50%

    Saturated Fat  8g42%

    Trans Fat   

Cholesterol  79mg26%

Sodium  1007mg42%

Total Carbohydrate  44g15%

    Dietary Fiber  4g14%

    Sugars  9g 

Protein  26g 

Vitamin A 8% - Vitamin C 1% - Calcium 25% - Iron 24%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Serving Size: 

Amount per serving 

Calories  313Calories From Fat  126

 % Daily Value*

Total Fat  14g22%

    Saturated Fat  5g26%

    Trans Fat   

Cholesterol  42mg14%

Sodium  745mg31%

Total Carbohydrate  33g11%

    Dietary Fiber  1g5%

    Sugars  7g 

Protein  15g 

Vitamin A 6% - Vitamin C 1% - Calcium 20% - Iron 16%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.


Serving Size: 

Amount per serving 

Calories  384Calories From Fat  183

 % Daily Value*

Total Fat  20g31%

    Saturated Fat  4g20%

    Trans Fat   

Cholesterol  0mg0%

Sodium  221mg9%

Total Carbohydrate  47g16%

    Dietary Fiber  5g19%

    Sugars  0g 

Protein  4g 

Vitamin A 0% - Vitamin C 9% - Calcium 2% - Iron 7%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Serving Size: 

Amount per serving 

Calories  513Calories From Fat  255

 % Daily Value*

Total Fat  28g44%

    Saturated Fat  11g56%

    Trans Fat   

Cholesterol  94mg31%

Sodium  1152mg48%

Total Carbohydrate  40g13%

    Dietary Fiber  3g11%

    Sugars  10g 

Protein  29g 

Vitamin A 11% - Vitamin C 3% - Calcium 29% - Iron 23%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

okay, tasha only letak yang mana paling banyak orang suka makan out of all the others dalam menu. and i am VERY damn well sure awak yang tengah baca pun mesti ada suka at least salah satu yang dekat atas ni bukan? haha, well that's only my assumption lah. tengok lah, I've put out the calories counted here untuk tatapan kamu semua. tasha pun tak tahu semua ni, but it's only recently that aku titibe nak buat research. and to my findings, HELL YEAH REALITY SUCKS -.- reality is what's fattening your cells up only with hiding behind tempting images. 

  puas hati? non? suka hati lah, aku just nak share je apa yang aku dapat because people nowadays are really lacking paying attention to their calorie intake hence, FATNESS! eh, salah OBESITY! haa, oh and one more fact here, 
just because you look and think you're fat it doesn't mean you really are and just because you think and look good, doesn't mean you aren't overweight either. 
go check your bmi's people. tahu tak bmi tu apa?sila klik-> BMI: Body Mass Index.
maksudnya; nombor yang mewakili awak punya berat serta ketinggian which secara kasarnya menunjukkan tahap 'keseimbangan' ratio badan anda in terms of the ratio between your weight to your height! ada paham? 


nak kira bmi ni senang jee, kena guna certain variables iaitu samada,
  1. kilograms - metres
  2. pounds - inches
TAPI kita ni dekat malaysia sayang oi, so terpaksalah ikut cara bekas penjajah kita, the brittons! so in this case, kita guna Kg and Metres jelaa.
formulanya: Weight(kg) ÷ Height(metres)

contoh tasha punya BMI:  48(kg)  ÷ 1.55(metres)2 = 19.98 

haa, so apa pulak nombor akhir tu? what does the 19.98 mean hawh woman!? *actually ada byk lagi decimals belakang dy tapi tasha malas na type panjang" so round off jela yep! well that is my BMI lah my dearies. according to my cousin the awesome Ms Norazreen binti Alladin, pharmacist, DG 48,

kalau orang yang normal, BMI dy antara 18-25. less than 18 underweight, over 25 is overweight and bila dah 30 AND MORE dah obes dah!
*if tak percaya, go do your own research saya tanak gado!

maksudnya dekat sini, tasha average lah. wuhuuuuuu! yeah baby. i ain't fat! loll^^ so bila tasha tengok balik atas kiraan calories apa mangkuk ayun semua ni, tasha rasa PATUT LAH AKU BERAT MACAM ANAK GAJAH! hahaha, asek makan fastfood je tasha neh. mana perut tanak kempis". tapi tak buncit sangat eh? biasalah perempuan kan ada WOMB aka RAAHIM. haha, alasan! anywayyy, if you've been wondering 500 calories tu banyak mana eh? well based on my google research 150 calories JE orang lari atas treadmill 20minit baru hilang. tapi ikut orang lah kan, itu scientifically researched punya. kiranya on average lah orang hilang banyak tu.
tapi kalau tasha lari 20minit atas treadmill tu at speed 8.5-9.5(sometimes 10, ikut mood la), hilang ada la 400++ sometimes nak dekat 500 calories. heee :3 dont ask why it is that number, i just do! ikut your metabolism lah ye adik" ..or kakak"/abang wtevaa. 

so before i tutup entry ni, sebab i know dah banyak nak mampos aku menyalak dekat sini;
To lose 1 kg, you theoretically have to cut back on 3850 calories per week or 550 calories per day.

hope this entry helps yow! BYE BYE ^^

Wednesday, April 27

GIRLS: 15 facts

salam :)

so, topic of the day is.. PEREMPUAN. why? entah la, tsha rasa mmg orang suka cakap pasal perempuan. kan? cuba tanya lelaki, kompremo de amor dyorg suka! either mengaku or not mesti suka lah, waraq ke tak waraq ke. depends lah, on their iiman. bergantung kepada how they kawal. kalau perempuan sendiri pulak, suka jugak topik ni. mengumpat! haha, okay ganas sangat tu. gossip Cute Cat Like/Curly Lips hehe.

 perasan tak, a MAJORITY of the common commercials mesti datang with the assistance of female models. Lamborghini, Ferrari kereta" hott korang tengok promote series dyorg pun pakai comel-comel punya peragawati (ceh, berbahasa pulak Squint) and dyorg pun mesti pakai itsy-bitsy punya skirts or skimpy dimpy punya red-leather pants. am i right or am i right? oke, enough merepek now.

did you know that..?
  1.  if a girl likes a guy, she can practically talk about him aaaaalllll the time 
  2. however, not necessarily with friends pun, some in their diaries!
  3. ada certain (yg lebih berani) lagi suka if kalau dy boleh berbaik" dgn si jejaka. in this way, she feels as if being his friend and preserving a great friendship puts her in "safe mode". listening to his problems, bla bla bla. AND the guy sometimes can't even tell if she's flirting with him since he would most likely ignore it and think hey, we're just friends. she didn't mean that
  4.  many girls can cook, but many of us like guys who can cook too!
  5. careful, girls hate it when guys insult their physical features. okay, maybe tak. tapi kalau selalu buat, she's bound to get pissed off someday.
  6. a lot of girls don't actually realize how pretty they are. SERIOUSLY, so kalau korang puji dia and she continuously denies it, it might actually mean she's that oblivious.
  7. 53% daripada kaum wanita tak keluar rumah without their make-up on!
  8. girls HATE being lied to, by loved ones especially. sebab 1) she might as well cannot trust you any further and 2) it shows that you dont trust them! the truth can be painful sometimes, and we get it lah. better bagitau the truth rather than lying and kantoi-ing in the future.
  9. a lot of us believe that actions speaks more than words. now what does that mean eh? maksudnya, ktorg boleh menyampah je dengan laki yg suka over2 dengan pujian neh. lidah macam jell-O, lembik! suka je kasi kata" manis, but in the end sama je. THEY BAIL! so if any of u guys wish to impress her, do something by means expressing how you feel instead of just simply talking about it. it doesn't work that way.
  10. apologize! hati perempuan ni lembut but careful, lembut2 pun boleh keras jugak! laki yang tak reti na mintak maaf ni mmg a pain in my arse lah ok, tasha jujur ni. maybe dy tak semestinya maafkan instantly but she'll get around lah. no worriesWink 
  11. girls can talk about the randomest things, with people they're comfortable with. so if she can talk about anything with you, it means she trusts you. so dont screw it!
  12. erm, ni tasha dah sebut dekat no. 6 tapi nak sentuh jugak. yes, eeeeverybody loves it when they're being complimented. so, apatah lagi us ladies kan? guys, dont worry bila nak puji si sayang anda. banyak banyak pun takpe, it will only make her feel appreciated. even if she says "stop it lah, mana ada!" ayat cover je tu, dy tatau na cakap apa sebab dy maluuu. lol^^
  13. IMPORTANTAYY! TOLONG LAH FAHAM when we're in the state of having our PMS' haha. (if tatau pms tu apa, google sendiri ek!) sebab no matter how u guys try to understand the circumstances, you actually never will LOL. just be patient and stay with her. we practically lose maybe half our consciousness when PMS-ing. 
  14. Girls are very self-conscious by nature, and the sooner you can accept that, the better!Grin They will always look at themselves in front of the mirror because they can't help it. eh, don't tell me guys dont bring tiny mirrors in their pockets kay? 
  15. GIRLS WILL ALWAYS THINK THAT THEY'RE FAT NO MATTER WHAT! haha, i sooo am not exaggerating eh, its true lah. it's the fact that they accept themselves for who they are or not. so guys, just try to help by being understanding. convince them, do whatever sensible lah  because this goes hand in hand with their self-consciousness issue from no. 14) 

okay tasha dah takde idea dah nii, so next time lah bila dah isi lagi tasha post . byee :)

Tuesday, April 26

realiti nasib pelajar -.-

salam :)

adehh, lama jugak aku tidak mengepost ape" di sini yep? takde idea? vosan? vusy? entah :D tiada mood der -.- sereh! *sereh is another creatively-innovated term by a Semestarian student yg sampai sekarang i guna in my everyday vocabs. style tidak kami? reka ayat sendiri? LOLL^^ haktuih! remaja sekarang memang semua macamtu la. ade je suke hati kepala batak dy je nak tukar tatabahasa melayu. mana tak nye semua jadi kumbang perosak? 

main point dekat sini sevenanye is that now dah bulan 4 and from time to time i tengok my friends semua, interview sana interview sini. like omaigossh guys, i'm definitely not perli-ing you right now okay? please jgn salah faham. it's just that, i dunno. in a sense of weird and messed up way, i'm just proud of you olllllzzzzzzzzzzz. really!

maybe it isn't just my time yet, but i'll get there.

 see, orang yang dah stream sains teknikal ni when it comes to pursuing further in their studies, options gilaaaa restricted. agggh, system malaysia ni torture taw, tidak aci ceh, dont mean to kutuk.
mintak maaf pihak government, lol.i don't mean to sound rebellious or anything. haaha. it is fyi that graduates with pure science backgrounds have gilaaaa lagi bapak lah luas punya options in choosing the courses they would like to erm, amek lah lepas SPM ni. meanwhile, orang macam saya ni kan, bila dah terikat dengan technical science nak teruskan dalam bidang lain dia jadi payah SIKIT lah. because orang yang pihak atas" ni  they tend to look at the candidate's academic background dulu.dy tengok:
"ohh, budak ni latar belakang tekno, lk bla bla bla. tapi nak pursue management? baik kita put those yang ada basic in front". 
okay faham tak macam mana situation dy sekarang? 

so, bila da bincang punya bincang dengan ayah. i have finally come to a decision! ayah kata,

kakak, ayah dah discuss dengan uncle ni, uncle tu (entah uncle dato mana entah -.-) and so far what they've said macam ni..kakak, you are someone yang graduate dari science-stream. sbp. so, bila kakak nak apply untuk arts-artsy course ni, management, commnunication it wont be that easy.
sebab the malaysian education system ni, their vision is to bring up as many students as they can into the professional discipline. and frankly, you are one of those candidates. so bila kakak nak apply untuk field ni, dyorg akan put you aside dulu lah. they pentingkan mana yang lebih layak in terms of academic backgrounds. apa, sebab dyorg ada basics. and bla bla bla, this went on. so, korang faham lah my situation sekarang ni kan?Skype emoticons-26-nerd 

tapi kalau kakak nak jugak, its not a problem. but for a CEO, or an ambassador lagi bagus, and since sekarang the demands are higher, you would need a professional qualification by means, a degree lah besides a second degree for example in this case a degree in management ke. or macam yang kakak nak ambik tu, international relations? that one is also good! 

kalau akak nak sambung terus after the first boleh ke?

why, boleh la. anak uncle %&#@ (sumpaaa ta igt nama dy) tu, first degree dy engineering (tak silap lah) and second in management. sekarang petronas plak panggil dy :)

so, dah banyak dah tasha bebel ni. i know that there are others out there contemplating with the same circumstances and i wish them the best! Skype emoticons-42-happy as i hope you pray for me too.

ciou people!

Tuesday, April 19

sunshine says;


-nicked from asdfghjkllove

Monday, April 18

angkara duduk asrama(I)

salam :) it is highly noted that this entry is somehow somewhat inspired by the sweetie, AnyssNashwa. hee^^

Mom, where are we going?
laaa, kan dah cakap tadi.pergi rumah opah.
buat apa?
lah, balik kampung lah! *gruntwaiting


Ibu, where are we going again?
hishh kakak ni! suka tau tanya banyak2 kali. suka buat orang repeat!at wits' end
ala.....Cute Cat Like/Curly Lips hehe.
pergi rumah opah orang cakap!  berubat.
HUH? berubat? when did she say THAT? erm, malas nak tanya lebih2 kang kena bebel lagi. so i shattap je.


Sesampainye kami di Mantin, Negeri Sembilan(its somewhere abit out of Seremban. tau tau?), keluar dari kereta:
 Weheeeeeeewwwww! OII, AMNI long time no see haw? 
lari-lari macam orang gila with arms flying wildly up in the air. excited lah katakan jumpa extended family kami nye yg tersangatlah besar dong. sampai aku tak igt semua nama dorg pun. Skype emoticons-75-drunk

and bila adrenalin rush tu dah cool down sikit *sebab makan aiskrim! ;
i asked, weyh kenapa aku dgr sape tah cakap ade ustaz nak dtg?
amni pulak responded selamba badak dy,  
aah mmg pun. kan nak buang saka. aku plak; 

i tell you, mmg my face was literally macam ni. if only i had a camera waktu tu.

after that, bulu roma aku terus lembik. eh? salah! terus keras, tegak.


Upon reaching the dormitory's main entrance, i could hear that the others had started the daily night-time Quran recital. hehe, lambat sikit lah. sepatutnya adik-adik(maksudnya f1&f2 lah) balik dorm awal lepas dah solat Isyak dekat surau,. however frankly, i was already a junior- form3 wuhoo! takpayah balik awal pun takpe, alasan: kelas tambahan. muahahaha!Devil
I entered and joined the rest.
 -2008, Dorm E101, Girl's Hostel

dekat asrama ni macam" boleh jadi. and i think it is so frickin common bila korang dengar cerita" pasal hostel ni kan? HAH? CERITA APA? cerita hantuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuSkype emoticons-43-smirk muehehe!
apparently waktu tu jugak lah ada 'kekacauan' tergempar dkt asrama puteri Semesta-oh-sbp terbilang itu. LOL! Shark so, the common procedure regarding this whole chaotic situation nye, ktorg baca yaasin 3 kali and did something dekat empat" penjuru setiap dorm (something with air yassin, baca ayat 3qul and so forth).

malam tu bila dah siap apa semua air yassin ada yg lebih. in respect, we placed it on higher grounds-
atas lockerSquint 

tapi kan masalahnye, air yassin semua tu dorg letak

saya punya locker, ALL OF IT. dengan mug-mug yg ktorg guna untuk minum air yassin tu sekaliSkype emoticons-14-dull 

sebenanye at first i didnt understand (YES TASHA SEORANG KANAK2 LAMPI), so tasha buat bodo jela kan. tak fikir panjang pun. but it was so suddenly that tsha prasan kakak" dorm kami buat port(berkumpul) dkt katil kak pieka. so dgn tak malunye, tsha pun sebok2 lah join skali.

hai kak, cite ape ni? cite ape? they looked at me dgn muka blank.Skype emoticons-08-speechless kak balqis plak buat muka guilty gilaaa and so she said, 

erm esok lah eh tasha? akk cite dekat awak. dah malam dah ni.


kak balqisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! cepat lah akak kata nak cerita. apa jadi semalam? akak cakap pasal ape?

kakak balqis yg tiut miut sort of sighed and since dy dah janji,
mcm ni, sebenarnye semalam kak liya nampak something.
 *something tu referring mereka yg ghoib tu laa

huh! really bila? dekat mana?

erm, waktu mengaji tula. awak prasan tak dy mcm tak duduk diam jee time mengaji semalam? 
*angguk anggukSkype emoticons-25-mmm 

haaaa, time tula. eh, akak cakap ni awak jgn cuak plak? tak tido kang kau ni. takutlah aku. *haha, muka kakak ni bila glabah COMEL GILAA!

then kenapa, apa jadi kak?!

well, dy nampak,..
atas loker awak.


and time tu jugak lah kak liya nak join,
aah mmg pon! akak nampak ATAS LOKER AWAK! tu haa, atas loker tu.
loker kau kan tu tasha?

gulp, aah.Gasp 

malam semalam aku dah lah tak boleh tido. tengok" benda tu ada plak bertenggek dkt atas loker si tasha tu haa. bodo bodo! tak tertido aku.

ko tau tak tasha, rambut dy kan panjaaang. lepas tu dy duduk cangkung macam ni. pandang #$@!*&^
(act, aku ta igt pun kak liya ckp sape org yg kena pandang tu)

haih, gila seram ohh. sejibik muka aku macam Moe ni -.-
then kak liya had to say more,

tahun lepas pun akak nampak gak, tapi bukan loker yg ni. tuu, loker sebelah loker awak tu.


LOKER SEBELAH TU LOKER TASHA LAST YEAR KAK!! Skype emoticons-79-headbang 

*criket criket

and then,..
it all clicked. was THAT what it was about? balik kampung? BERUBAT?! all that time tsha yg blank-blank udang tak tahu apa2 tiba tahu semua!Grumpy ya Allah, sabar je laa.

alhamdulillah after that tsha takde dengar apa2 regarding this "matter". well maybe jugak sebab kak liya dah takde. and after tersedar betapa lalainye tsha tulis pasal ni i forgot that it was arwah kak liya whom reminded me of this very story. 
kakak, tasha mintak maaf. people say it's not good to talk about those who have passed Skype emoticons-01-sadsmile eventhough apa pun orang cakap, i still think you were a GREAT kakak dorm. baik gilaaaaa dorg je yg tatau.
may you rest in peace, insyaALLAH. 

sekian :)

Saturday, April 16

Friday, April 15

magnet kemaluan -.-

salam :)

oh hari hari hidup pun mmg susah la tsha nak elak drpd berlakunye kemaluan.  haaa, apa apa?  betul lah. embarrassment kan? Skype emoticons-75-drunk tsha cuba meng-translate dlm bahasa je. kalau terkasi salah paham ke ape ke, sorry ek. LOL!

well, the main point here is that. TASHA-LABO-LAGI-HARI-INI . pfffffffffttttttttttttttttttt! i dont know why? i think i'm just one of those people whom are prone to embarrassment. sheesh. Skype emoticons-14-dull siryes, tak tahu nak cakap apa laaaaaaaaaaaaa!

somewhere between 1200-1300 (kot??)

lawhh, igtkan kakak balik lambat tadi baru nak suruh terus beli lunch dkt Satok.
huh? *dahi kerut
boleh? beli lunch dkt satok. takde polis kan? takut pulak pilihanraya ni. bawak tu elok2!

almaklum lah, lesen tak SAH lagi. materialistically lah 
(ade ke perkataan ni? haa, sukehatiperut je reka).
that's right chickens, I AM A LICSENCED DRIVER! *mr A, jgn gelak! tau lah u dpt dah lama, hmmp! like what i'd answered to angah's question, 
i am liscenced! just, lesen tu je takde lagiCute Cat Like/Curly Lips 

haha, betul lah kan? kan kan? tsha mmg dah sohih, PASS sebagai seorang pemandu yg berhemah lagi comel! huweekkk! just lesen tu tak siap lagi -.- haih. lambat sgt nye nak tunggu.

anyways, back to the storylory lahhh!
vroom vroom vroom, eeiiiikkkkkkk! *masuk parking
atlast, smpai jugak tempat MOSS CAFE (yg aku tak pernah amek tau nama dy sebelum ni. so td cri kedai dy pun satu hal lah nama pun tak igt! bongokk Skype emoticons-83-swear) keluar lahh dgn tudung "serabut" tu.
you see, i think parents just dont understand lah the evolution of fashion. saya pakai shawl teruk sgt ke? ada buruk gilaaaaaaaa? Skype emoticons-01-sadsmile

well, that's what mom says lah anyways pun. wuu, sedih. tapi takpe, she'll come around. i guess.
haih, ni tak suka ni pegi mana2 sorang2. kalau lalu tempat banyak jantan(ehehe, sorry sape terasa!) mesti tsha menggelabah! gedik much? HEWL NO! takut lah wahai pembacaku sayang. laki ni bukan boleh percaya sangat! even in public! (eheh, sorry again IF ada yg trasa). panas! peluh! tapi maintain cooolllcool hahaha. 

first tu beli lah ibu punya nasi campur. crap, macam tak sedap je lauk harini? ibu nak apa nihh? so, bantai je tauhu dgn sayur-i-dont-know-what and seketul ayam yg masak ape entah tp mcm tak best pun tengok. lol, jujur^^ then i was thinking, ni kena bayar dkt cashier ke mana eh? SEBAB SARAWAK PUNYA WARUNGS AND RESTAURANTS NI PELIK! dalam kedai pun ada kedai lain. konfius tau nak bayar!?hypnotized 

so saya tanya jugaklah, buat-tak-segan #1:
kak, mauk bayar mana? (eh) sine?
huh? bayar siya *tunjuk dekat depan.
ohh, depan. okay, thankyou. 

 bila dah sampai dekat depan counter tu, i handed over the receipt dgn tangan yg sama pegang bungkusan nasi tu; buat-tak-segan #2

eh bukan, bayar sitok dik.
abang tu tunjuk ke kanan, waddahewl? tu ke cashier nak bayar? habis tu ni counter apa!? he turned around to pass over a tray of drinks.

kaunter amek air dan makanan?
bodo bodo bodo T.T
yg cashier tu terpeghukk dkt corner tu apadahal? KECIK PULAK TU SAPA NAK PERASAN? 
at wits' end 

waduh waduh, dah la customers time tu  SEMUA LELAKI  tau? semuaaaaaaaaaaa, aku jela sesat sorg betina kat dalam kedai tu. dgn sunnies besa gedabak atas kepala, pakai converse lagi. i donno lah how dahell i looked like to them +.+ even cashier tu sendiri jante!  awesommme.not. i'm sure they enjoyed watching my little scene-of-excellency sampai i nak bayar pun dorg lampi. lembab! gelakkan aku kah? entah, malas nak tahu.nerd

dah habis kelaboran di situ, jalan balik pegi kereta. cehh, catwalk? HAHA, nope. jalan dgn pantas dan tangkas. i hate being watched by unwanted he-male eyes! ya Allah, seram sejuk freezing tau! and then it'd hit me:- buat-tak-segan #3

a pink piece of paper was stuck under wiper thingy atas windshield viva kenonet tu.
pakcik yg apparently who was standing there(and one who looked when i'd passed by, practically running whilst stomping!) tengok plak? ceh, adeh. mula2 baru nak rasa kerek kan. jalan laju-laju depan pakcik tu. tgk smpai2 kereta,
KENA SAMAN?!  wtppfftt!
*pakcik tu was still looking

benci benci.
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