have you ever wondered about the difference in weddings like; globally? wait, nevermind. dalam malaysia pun kita ada byk flavor bangsa, so ta payah susa tgk negara lain. kalau korg tgk kan, the different races we have bring us a diversity of cultures, and in this case; weddings. aren't they all just pretty? ok, *kenapa tasha dah gatai sgt eh nak kawin? heeeee^^ no lah, since tsha habis sekolah today was they first sarawakian-malay wedding that i've attended so far. and yes, cantik sangaaatt all the decos.
masuk-masuk je Dewan Pustaka Kuching tu,
i was mesmerized!
errrm, haha. orang yg dkt tgh jalan tu probably wasn't giving the best of poses for a picture to be updated on a blog. tapi takkan tsha na jerit,
assalamualaikum, hei pakcik! sana lah, saya nak snapping ni! bole?
lol, harsh kan? soo, tak baik. kita ni melayu, budi bahasa budaya kita. but apparently bahasa melayu tsha pun tah pape. hahahaaaa.
now aren't these hanging thingies just pweeeety? comel lah, dy hang dkt situ. balls of flowers floating over your head. oh so lovely, erm.probably because I loveLOVElove white flowers. so i just had to have a picture, heee (:
and actually, hall tu pun kecik je. seriously, tak sebesar mana lah. simple tapi gorjess.vouge! (well, i'm just saying that maybe because the decos had a lot of red, hehe) okay, sorry kalau bagi you all tak lawa pun. i swear, u can't criticize it lah if u were to see it LIVE! oh, and ni sebelah lelaki daa. sambut menantu je. cehh, sambut je pun?? $chachiing$ tu still berjalan!
I turned around towards angah and said,
"dewan is good too! i can have mine dalam dewan, bukan dkt padang or rumah pun takpe!"
there was a biggggg grin on my face.
upon reaching the 'pelamin' (ugh, i hate not knowing a word when it needs to be translated), ibu said;
"kakak, jom pegi sana. ibu nak amek gmba dekat pelamin. pelamin dy lawa!"
so, snap snap snap! sayalah photographer yg berbakat tu. *kening kening. hahaha, bakat yg masih diasah guna lesung batu. "ish, plastik lah senyum tu. tak lawa lah."
my reaction was- , seriously ibu?
hahh, tak nmpak kan? frankly, i was act starving kut waktu ni. lalala^^ kendatipun, gambar tetap gambar. kenalah readdyyyy! hee! i was actually excited (haha, kan cakap. GATAL!) that i kept looking back and forth at the wedding stage. ngeee
kakak, amik gmba ni. tunjuk dekat kak aida, dy boleh buat. *pointing at one of the deco thingy majiggy
-ooh ooh, u mean for my wedding nnt macam ni lah?! pfffft! hahahahahahahah!
*her index finger, pointing above my head, baru habis belajar, habis spm dah fikir nak kawin!? tsk tsk.
-eh eh, bukan. tak salah kan, berwawasan! hehe
ohoo, bukti bukti! muka teruja kan kan? well, it's any girl's dream to have her wedding according to her own taste. correct? so dont blame me for being normal! oke? but i cant get over the fact that the many wedding guests behind tu agak menyemakkan my background. sorry sorrryyyyy aunty!
well, that's about it my dearies. peace out!
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