Sunday, May 22

mintak penampar sikit!


Hello hello. grunting grunting. (sape yg rajin ber-FB would see this on my wall) wallaweyyyyyyhhhhh! 

 I. am. freaking. out. 

period. full stop. decimal point. loll =.= I'm serious lah ni wahai manusia-manusia sekalian! for those who(m) are of the same age, you should most probably be aware of what's hot and what's not. okay main point, dah ramai lah my friends masuk uni/kolej. whichever. and just a few secs ago, I was Fb-ing around others' walls and newsfeeds. blablabla *takde keje punya pasal*, ade la sorang mamat ni,.

  He posted a calculus question dekat group Smart0610/0609, entah. I couldn't care less what the question actually was. but the BIGGER problem was, the moment I saw it: peggghhhh, blank. literally, my mind went blank.
haa, mula lah start panik! 

ya Allah, matii lah aku. how was I supposed to answer that? aku belaja calc tak nanti foundation ni? I've frickin forgotten addmaths, how dear God how?

and,..inilah dia. a factual disappointment of which SPM-leavers have to face once they've been out from school for far too long:-

Okay, that's just wrong. otak tak digunakan sepenuhnya :) you know, activating your brain cells?? yelah, you slug yourself at home all this while for like what, nearly half a year? mana tak loading nyee operator-operator kecik dlm otak kamu tu! +__+ and that's exactly what i'm afraid of. wah cuaks cuaks plak na ber-Pasum ni!

  Tula, dulu excited betul. jangan nak teruja sangat lahh tasha oi 0,0 really. but whatever pun, I'm sucking up every last bit of so-called-nerve i have and will soon march right through those registration hall doors(haha, padahal tak ingat apa nama tempat register tu) head up, shoulders back. cehh, poyo. tengok, tunduk malu-malu. hee :3 nah, that wont happen. because I'm not shy like that. haha.

so, that's it for now. I'll be sure to un-sawang-kan this blog of mine sebelum melangkah ke alam Uni! :D


adiey said...

sabau la shaa .
nati p u , dye ajar lor :)))))
nak plak UM , walaweyyyhhhh ,
lagi syok :p

shaaa said...

bukan ta sabar, TAKUT oh di. kau jwb soaln muaz tu mcm jwb soaln djh 1 je. aku suka kau aja aku do -.- haha sbb aku kan byk tnye mcm tu :P

adiey said...

emm . xpe . slow slow ye .
nati , pegi UM . lg ramai poower .
so menuntut la ye . ehehe . chopp . shaa . phy sc jgak ?

shaaa said...

eh rajin gak kau en di bukak blog aku? hehe *malu malu* HAHAHAHA, amiiin. insyaAllah. kau buat latihan +maths apa cuti ni?

eh no la, aku alam bina :) sma dgn aqil n abu. sweet tak? HAHA

adiey said...

eh eh . tak selalu . klw bosan bosan je . ahaha . *follower sikit :p .

tolong" junior . so xlah lupe sgt math tu :))))

wahwah . best kot .
arkitek berjaye :)
bkn setakat sweet . t sampai diabetes sudah . ahaha . k gud luck la .

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