Tuesday, May 17


salam :)


as you dah terbukak pun my bloggay ini, mesti ada dengar lagu memekak-mekak dkat telinga awak tu kan? if you're using a pair of head/earphones and jenis suka pasang speaker smpai nak pecah gegendang telinga korang tu, mintak maaf lah ye kalau cairkan your eardrums...with JUSTIN BIEBER'S SINGING! muahahahahahaha *gelak hantu sakan! sorray lah yep if u aren't a belieber. lolololololl *literally gelak Dr.Evil punya gelak nihh!

if you tak suka lagu bieber or org melayu lagi suka panggil, bibir. silentkan jela speaker anda tu eh? i like him, bla bla bla. tp aku takde lah obssessed mcm tu OKAY MR. A?! i am not :) hmm. to be honest, i really wasnt a bieber-fan sebelum ni. tp apakan daya, his force of attraction terlalu kuat sampai my adiks pun ter-racun sekali. and yes, i admit it.


haha, tidak sangka. just from watching it, i macam (dare i say it?) instantly fell in love with him! HAAHAHA, tidak kusangkal! tidak tersangkal! 3D lagi bhai! never thought i'd watch my first 3D movie pasal jasten beebur! hahahahahahaha *whats with the gelak sakans, i dunno =.=

okay ini sedutan berminggu-minggu lepas sebenanye. haha, tiba" je teringat pasal ni. and frankly, i have always loved his songs. and memorized those yg plg i minat! haha (dorky much?) just ta berperasaan nak minat DY je, the artist himself. kenapa? entah, i guess since dy lagi muda. garhhh, tidak minat lah juniors ni. terasa amat pelik! although ta sala pun kan? sedangkan Rasulullah SAW mengambil Siti Khadijah RA sebagai isterinya yang almost twice his age. eh? yeke? hmm, forgive my misinfo eh. kalau salah laa +.+

the 3D glasses. dah macam cyclops i tell you T.T loll^^

you see, with Mr.A not totally supporting this supposedly-subjective matter, it's hard kot to resist the Baby singer! cuba bayangkan: kau dalam panggung wayang size XXL, duduk seat tengah2 theater tu, frickin loud music, tons of bieber-maniacs screeching and screaming "aghhhh" and "awwww" when they show his face close-up on the tv or lagi menyeramkan, when he took off his shirt(ala, dy takde 6packs pun haha!) and his songs played over and over again thoughout the movie. dgn tayangan umum gmba and videos comel time dy baby lagi!? seresly, cannot tahan. hahaha.
mum said,

kalau orang yang tak berapa nak minat pun bole tiba" fall in love, macam mana lah agaknye kalau yg mmg fanatic tengok movie dy tu?

kan kan? i think she's right oh. betullll, ta bole bayangkan -.- oh, and gamba ini sekadar nak show off bahawa saya handal mengendalikan chopsticks! HAIYAK!! *please excuse the censor. rasa macam hooker kena tangkap mana plak aku buat mcm tu =.=

nothing more^^ abracadabra, byeebye!

1 comment:

Misz Jenny said...

wah, ni rse smgt membuak2 nk tgok justin BIBIR! yeahh

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