So, bila SPM dah habis ni, di rumah semestinya BANYAAAAAKKK mnde na buat kan?NOT. hahaha :D and that's why sy ada solution terbaik utk anda semua yg ingin kelihatan cantik, menarik dan tertarik sebelum results kita menjelma! *note this does not go to PLKN candidates, i am very and truly sorry
- pancit kan you :P
- make u dizzy whilst running
plus plus, i can say that this is probably the easiest way to slim ur buttocks down, ladies. or otherwise u nak jalan2 di taman pun boleh. jalan2 lah kau for 3 hours, unlike me. i like the faster way; which is to go faster, walk faster, RUN FASTER =)
just an hour a day is enough my deerest *no, i ta sala eja. i dont mean to spell 'dearest'.tq
fiuh, fiuhhhhh +.+
I made it-ALIVE from on the treadmill lah, with that i thank the Most Merciful and Most Gracious. okayy, to tambah" sikit to what i've just posted recently atas ni as u can totally see(if ur not blind, pardon me) the running thing. yeahhh, erm. the 'one hour' part, i seriously and literally mean one hour.
why is this highlighted? sebab i sooooo know that if u run on that treadmill or even around the lake or mana" lah, for exactly 'one hour', your so-called-hour wont turn out to be one hour after all as it goes out like this:
first 10 min: woot, woot SEMANGAT ^^
20 min: start jogging dah dy.
20 min: start jogging dah dy.
23 min: ugh ugh ugh..
30 min: jalan jalan plak??
35 min: adehh, duduk lah kejap :)
37 min: adoii, penat nye. menyesal aku stop, dah ta bole start lari dah =.='
40 min: (cursing urself) eh get ur ass off the bench, youfatso!
42 min: start jog balik.
45 min: fuuuhhh.semput semput!
47 min: cramps, shit!
48 min: aghhhhh...sakit
50 min: ok ok, dah baik sikit *weee, HAPPY face. semangat balik lah konon =P
52 min: cuba lari balik, tapi nafsu na minum membuak"
55 min: argghh, give up !
58 min: malas lahh.
30 min: jalan jalan plak??
35 min: adehh, duduk lah kejap :)
37 min: adoii, penat nye. menyesal aku stop, dah ta bole start lari dah =.='
40 min: (cursing urself) eh get ur ass off the bench, you
42 min: start jog balik.
45 min: fuuuhhh.semput semput!
47 min: cramps, shit!
48 min: aghhhhh...sakit
50 min: ok ok, dah baik sikit *weee, HAPPY face. semangat balik lah konon =P
52 min: cuba lari balik, tapi nafsu na minum membuak"
55 min: argghh, give up !
58 min: malas lahh.
okay, so that's what would most probably happen to loads and loads of girls out there. including moi, once upon a time ago laa =) hee. so if when u're running, bring a timer lah! sb if u dont, this is what happens=.=' u say u dah "lari" for an hour, but cuba kira balik? cepat! how long was it really that u betul" basahkan ketiak.haiyyyaa. or if u're on the treadmill, set for more than 60 minutes. make sure that at least u try to run half the time u've set :)
then as for the rest, jog, power walk, crawl, mengesot, whateva !
oh and as for drinking, just take sips in between runs/jogs. dont gulp in half ur water bottle because u'll just end up like this :
semput, penat, dahaga, and messed up. because u've been trying to get ur damn butt to kempis2 tapi cant stick to damn logic +.+ minum air byk byk time tgh lari, berat lah syg oy, duhh!
pstt! for the record, td sy lost 700calories in the first 40min. and 1100+ calories after 1hr10min. i dunno if thats 'sikitt' for u bigshots-supermodels kan, but sy rsa it's pretty sensible and achievable for those yg just mau turunkan berat ;) just try to stick to my tips, kay ladies?
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