gooooood morning! oleh sebab semangat saya utk ke kuliah terlebih", melimpah ruah dah sangat; saya sekali lagi memalukan diri sendiri. lol,ok takde la secara obvious sangat tp kemaluan tu tetap ada la. bengong nye, aku pergi tengok jadual utk hari esok where as the classes start at 8. today is WEDNESDAY lah nenek! kelas tak start until 9 o'clock. aku punya la semangat mandi terus lepas subuh. siap-siap then tunggu mmber dekat foyer konon na pergi sama. niat di hati igt na pergi dulu, kehehe. jahat betul, fortunately the sensible part of me told me to call her first.
urh, hey Fatimah. where are you?
I'm getting ready la.
oh, do you know where Ain is?
She should be in her room, isn't it?
*blank* aku fikir-----> asal sume org mcm lambat ni!
Class doesnt start until 9 kan.
huh? whatt?!
yeah, 9 o'clock. hushh, you scared me there.
hehe, sorry false alarm. salah tengok jadual =.=
okay, NOW I can head to class. lolololl^^ got Physics & Maths today. pukul 11 dah habis kuliah da, because Environmental Studies is a no-no for this week. tehehe >:D tata :*
environmental studies boring giler nak mati.
thanks anon for the heads up ;D semangat kena kental ni! haha
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