Saturday, March 26

all i say is thankyou ALLAH :)

sometimes Allah closes a door on us just so HE can open a bigger one.
so why do we, HIS servants always tend to look back at that small door while a wider one has been opened for us to enter?

so for now, ALHAMDULILLAH (:

ohh mata sembab :)

thanks mom, for knowing i did my best-at that time laa.

ya Allah, buruk sungguh shawl aku. serabut emotions punya pasal :(
 raz, again you were there for me. thanks love.Skype emoticons-05-wink

my mom selalu cakap (before hari kebesaran tersebut tula) that 
"no matter what you get, we're still very proud of you kakak"
*bertambah-tambah lah rembes aku jadinye.*

lepas semua semua tu, kecoh boom bamm bla bla bla. i guess i can say that i feel better now. although still not great, i'm improving. every now and then i look up for phrases to boost my spirits back up along with people whom were and are by my side. arigato all, ilysmgilagilagila

ohh, saya mmg suka pink. soraaay!
thankyou aunty ita! ohh, terharu sgt. u didnt have to Skype emoticons-01-sadsmile 

silver eyeliners DO give nice results!
you, i had an AWESOME day with you okay? thankyouuuuuuuuuSkype emoticons-06-crying u always make me want to cry lawh.
 you're always the one to make my day lah mr gediks. i dont lie to you.

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