Monday, February 14

Thank You Allah.

hari itu, mum told me that she wanted to get laser surgery. (yes,dumboes.utk mata, ye?) and i was like: 

momma, say whaaa--?


saya pun macam terkejut beruks lah kan, macam jee. saya ta jadi beruk lagi. i mean, ibu nak buat apa laser mata?? *notice the dramatic notation ^^ then she went on again with how hard life is with wearing spectacles. 

"haa..kakak jgn na mengada-ngada na pakai spek. bukan senang tau! kakngah pun sama"

synchronized: yessss, mom --'

so, harihari saya pun diteruskan seperti biasa until one day,

"ayah bila ibu na surgery tu?"
"hari ni lah!"

**muka beruk lagi

that afternoon, lepas driving class. di Optimax: ayah kata i had to tag along with him to the clinic for the operation. so, saya ikut lah. and to really murder and slaughter time, saya bawak notebook skali. dalam handbag tuu! pegh, and the counter lady kasi saya access to the clinic's wifi! God bless her ♥ haha.

haaa, kalau na tau. the girl's purse/handbag is a magical place. take THAT pocket Doraemon! :)

online online, dkt clinic tuu; korek2 lagu Bruno Mars

last last, bila ibu dah siap. she came out of the back room, her eyes teary :( wuish, it looked scary jugak taw!
maybe from then on, i thought that
tasha, kau way wayyy lagi cun lah ta pkai specs. hahaha. so, tapayah gatal!

and after that, every two hours mum kena pkai all sorts of so-called Eyemoes. rimas and terkilan saya tgk sbb sometimes she even has to wear sunnies dalam rumah due to too much light exposure. but now saya terasa sgtsgt grateful seeing my mum recover :)

moral of the story: please, please be thankful for what you have. even with only having two eyes and not four. Allahuakbar :)

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