SO, I made this tutorial some time ago. It is in fact the very first tutorial that I happen to speak in, just a trial. Questions? Tweet me @ULTRANATASHA!
Monday, November 5
Salam :)
Have you ever felt like there comes the era or period of time when you just need or want to block yourself out from the entire world? Like sleeping in under the covers, not talking to anyone, having the house to yourself during Fall (wth does this relate to?) is the only good thing to do. Well, that's how I felt. It literally felt as if you wanted everyone else to disappear and let the whole planet be yours and yours alone. Like there wasn't anyone who you felt you needed to rely on or be comfortable with because being alone meant
- No people
- Therefore, no problem
Pfssh, yeah. Too bad we're only human and that God created us to live in pairs or in communities. Because that's just how things work. I guess I've come out of my "hibernation" and ready to face the world again. And hopefully this time, the winter comes in later. Better yet, don't come at all.
Tuesday, May 8
*Brace yourself, this'll be a long one*
Salam (:
Normally, you would see millions of other bloggers writing on their pages,
"sorry, I haven't been updating my blog for so long...It's so berhabuk and bersawang...I know you all have been dying to read my posts and stuff, but I've been extra extra busy bla bla bla...."
Yeah, well. Guess what I won't be doing that. Because for one, I am not sorry :)
It's been a month (or so) since I graduated my so-called "local A-level" (perasan kejap) a.k.a foundation studies a.k.a matriculation a.k.a you get the point. And no, I haven't satisfied myself with lying around the house doing nothing and sleeping and doing nothing again and, well to cut it short I've been wasting time these past weeks. But so far it's been great!
When you've been pulun-ing yourself for almost-a-year with not sleeping at least one day a week, I'd say loitering around the house and being a sloth is a good reward for myself. And frankly, I think I have accepted the fact that my life from now on will, nothing but working on projects and trying to ace my papers. I think. Nerd much? Yeah.
I'd have to say my time at PASUM had been nothing but a ride which I had clearly enjoyed because
1) It's not school
2) It's better than school
3) I was free like a biiiiirrrrrrdddddddddd !
4) Friends were A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Enough said.
5) I can't find further description to how much I enjoyed it.
For someone who finds living in a boarding school with their parents living across seas stressful, going to college was
One reason would be the previous-two posts ago, an outing with friends -without parents(sorry mom if you're reading this hehe). Not because I felt rebellious or anything, but I finally felt adult enough to take care of myself without being chaperoned. Having all-female siblings, I guess to let me out was pretty hard on le parents. Or maybe they're afraid to see me so-called already grown up and all. Parents, they're just looking out for us you know.
My cousin wanted to ask me the other day something regarding college or matriculation and I couldn't really help her out and I still feel bad. Rational?
I won't be explaining this any further or else I'd have to write a novel. Pffsh, my long lost dream.
So dear readers (if there are any left out there),
Hello. Again.
Thursday, February 2
Qada' Solat Sebab Haid
Salam (:
I know. Boleh tahan jugak kan tasha nak post topik sebegini,
hihu hihu
(try laughing like this in literal, agak bangang jugak tapi fun!)
Anyway, topik ini merupakan satu agenda yang mana telah lama aku acknowledge tetapi tak pernah sempat wa nak share dekat uollz. hihu hihu, mintak maap.
So, pernah kah anda haid? Scratch, soalan bangang.
Pernahkah anda tidak sempat mengerjakan solat fardhu disebabkan datangnya haid?
Baru betul.
Lu tengah lepak, tengok tv sambil meraban dengan keropok lekor bawah dagu dan tiba-tiba terdengarnya seruan azan. (Allahuakbar, allahuakbar) Dan disebabkan sos pencecah terlalu lah amat sedap sekalinye, maklum lah impot teghus dari Ganu yeuw, Lu pun sambung lah makan sampai habis sekuali digorengnya keropok-keropok tersebut. Calories consumption pun bertambah berjuta, hihu hihu.
Lepas tu mak suruh basuh pinggan kuali mangkuk sudu senduk dan segala angkatan masakan yang lain. Lu pun dengan happy nye, scrub-a-dub-dub guna axion sebotol. Pejam celik pejam celik, dah sejam berlalu.
Pruut pruuuuuuuut!
Sakit perut. Lu makan macam tenuk, banyak sangat keropok lekor. Penyu Ganu pun kagum. Sprint pulak tak nak kalah Hussein Bolt ke mangkuk tandas and...
Jeng jeng jeng!
Wall endometrium Lu dah pecah bro. Wattudu. Lu pun;
"Alamak, p***** lah. Tak boleh sembahyang. hikhok hikhok"
Dengan senang hati nye, Lu pergi Kotez-hunting. Dah jumpa, Lu keluar deting pulok doh. Maklum, boipreng ada Cayenne kan. Huh. Okay sampai sini je Lu punya storyline.
(note: Lu ialah nama orang. Lu Trase-Kew)
Datangnya haid lu selepas berkumandangnya azan. And due to procrastination, lu tak sempat nak menunaikan solat fardhu 'X'. Therefore, ini yang dikatakan perlunya qada solat wahai keturunan Hawa sekalian (:
In other words, bila lu dah tak sempat nak sembahyang because of lu punya menstrual, lu kira tinggal waktu lah :O *oh no*
I know, the guilt hunts you down bro, it hunts you down. With a strong hold of lu punya iiman of course (: So I hope, this little cerekarama dapat menyampaikan "sesuatu" pada uollz, hihu hihu. Segala kekurangan harap dimaafkan, just thought of making this post fun. Aku tak boleh serious +___+
Peace & Love.
Sunday, January 29
How-To-Make: Sambalised Durian
Salam :)
In other words, how to make Sambal Tempoyak :D
I've always loved spicy food, literally since kecik-kecik dulu. And lately I can't quite figure out why my tongue has problems when it comes to eating pedas dishes. I just can't taste them.
There are no tastebuds for pedas, are there? Hmm.
Anyway, the steps are veghy ze veghy eezy, yeuw vill have non pghoblemz. Unless, you're an ultra-kitchen noob, that is. But that's okay. If you love Malaysian food as much as I do, you'll be able to do these next easy-peasy steps!
Bawang putih, garlic
Bawang merah, red onions
Ikan bilis, anchovies
Cili (sp. optional), chillies
Minyak masak, cooking oil
Now, shall vi starght?
Step #1:
- Take out the first four ingredients in the list above from your storing aid.
Step #2:
- Silalah kupas bawang-bawang anda sehingga togel (bukan bogel). Peel both garlic & red onions. Berapa banyak: I can't say. Because it depends on how much you plan to make!
- I just went with 3/4 of a red onion, and half selabu bawang putih.
Step #3:
- Put on your cycling sunglasses and take a handkerchief.
- Ikatkan sapu tangan ke hidung.
Step #4:
- Masukkan cili (cili merah ke hijau ke, hidup ke, mati ke berapi ke, up to you), bawang putih, bawang merah serta ikan bilis ke dalam mangkuk yang diperbuat daripada batu. Chillies, garlic, red onions & anchovies inside the stone-bowl. I am proud of my english-malay translation abilities. Eh.
- Tumbuk dengan lesung yang juga diperbuat daripada batu (optional: sehingga lunyai).
Punchthe ingredients together.
Step #5:
- Leave your hasil tumbukan for a sec, and keluarkan se-kuali frying pan. Take out your frying pan please.
- Drop in merely 3 spoons of cooking oil, panaskan. Heat ze oil.
Step #6:
- Masukkan hasil tumbukan anda sebentar tadi ke dalam kuali yang berisi minyak serta telah dipanaskan!
- "Disturb" the ingredients sehingga bau naik. (I'm sorry I don't know how to explain this step any further)
- Kacau sampai kering (:
Step #7:
These are mom-made-Tempoyak, you know :P
- Once ze smell is up, campakkan tempoyak ke dalam kuali. Like in ze peekcherz above -_-
- Silalah gaul sehingga rata.
Tips! Dalam proses menggaul, if the tempoyak and sambal bergumpal-gumpal, it means you've officially made it *smug face*
- Keluarkan your now-done SAMBAL TEMPOYAK! Congratulations, for making it this far. Huh. *claps*
So, that's basically it! Senang, kan? Apologies because I wasn't able to take more photos of the cooking process to make it easier for you peepowlz because it was just that spontaneous :/
Anyway, selamat berselera!
Thursday, January 5
Best 3-day weekend & Tips!
Salam :) Salam sejahtera, salam Satu Malaysia, salam tahun baru, salam bahagia (you may add some more if you wish).
I had one of the best weekends the past 3 days(or so). End. Fin.
Saturday 31.12.11:
NO CLASS, hurrah!
Although I "planned" the whole day through, everything was pretty much spontaneous. I met Hussein for the first time, whom turns out is my roomie's ex-classmate back in Primary.
Small world, small world.
He has pretty eyes. eh, kantoi. And he still owes me my Tutti Frutti which was pretty much the only reason supposedly that we hung out. Midvalley as well as The Gardens je loser sikit, for they don't have Tutti :(
Sunday 1.1.12:
New Year, a great day too! I'm blessed, therefore thankful :)
met my little Izleen, muachs muachs!
And the timeline continues. Suka hati korang lah nak berbatak di atas sana bersama camera tercinta untuk sekian berapa lama. Tiada halangan bagi mu. Namun, haruslah anda bertahan sebab dah siang-siang tu panas woi!
met my little Izleen, muachs muachs!
reunion with me other team-mates! I was their junior bah, good times good times (:
and then there're my junior, my angels (according to Farris). lewls.
So, here is Farris- Le mentor through my debating "years".
He says he's engaged now and expected to marry le beloved in two years time?! uhuk uhuk!
We celebrated Hazim, whom is to fly to Germany in several hours *sobs*.
Wiz some Fudge & Cream ! ..or is it Cream & Fudge?
Noun: What's Up Cherry? *very le recommended
Noun: Apple Crumble *le highly recommended!
Although we ate the most of 'em, thanks & sayonara Hazim.
Don't worry, the team's memories with you have already been carved.
Monday 2.1.12:
Ze Bghoga Heel iz ze sagzesfooli climbed. translation: Bukit Broga berjaya ditawan. phew.
Or bak kata Aisyah: Bukit Be-roga. Hmm.
This was my first official outing with friends, and I don't mean outing yang macam zaman sekolah berasrama penuh dulu ye. Pergi outing melantak KFC bagai nak rak. Eekkk!
Tentatives (plus Tips!) :
0315: We set out early in the morning heading towards Semenyih.
Rational: Supaya kalau sesat, takdelah terlajak sangat daripada jadual.
Tips: Make sure minyak isi awal-awal, takde lah tergaban & that you know the way.
We got lost, lewls. Ye, saya mengaku salah belok simpang -_-
0500: Arrived at destination.
Tips: Sediakan RM 2 as entrance fee. I know, ada pulak kan. Well, that's business!
Carry torchlights. or simply handphone with light-source application.
Rational: Gelap weh tengah-tengah ladang kelapa sawit tu.
Just to show how dark it was.
Model: Aisyah.
Tips: Pack lightly & bring a hat!
Rational: The climb is pretty rough, lotsa holes and slippery slopes. LOL,
the hat part is because it get s really windy up there.
0515: Start mendaki.
Tips: Jangan bising, or galak, or over, or terlebih excited, or bongkak.
Rational: Makhluk ghaib ada di mana-mana pun :) sengih. sengih.
Models: Umair, Syafriz & HY
Tips: Baca doa sebelum mendaki.
Rational: Semoga Allah melindungi perjalanan you, dijauhkan sebarang kemalangan & whatnot.
Tips: In the dark, there's not much you can see. Er, duhh! So, careful with your steps.
Jangan nak bijak sangat pakai selipar, aku lempar muka lu kang baru tahu?
Tahu nak panjat bukit, pakai lah kasut yang bersesuaian.
Rational: Takut tergelincir, pecah gigi, patah gusi, bibir tersadung
dan eetisi eetisi. ehem, etc.
Nevermind the dust flying about, huh.
0545: Arrived at first stage "landmark".
Just kidding, I don't know what time kitorg sampai atas tu. But it was before 6am.
View from the "first" top.
Tips: Pack on plenty of water and cloth of some sort.
Rational: Seronok, seronok juga. Sembahyang subuh jangan lupa! Water = wudhu'.
0630: Subuh prayer. Alhamdulillah.
Tips: Bring a compass. Nevermind, guna app dalam smartphone awak tu sudah.
If I'm not mistaken it's called the Qiblah Compass.
Rational: Tahu kah anda bagaimana hendak menentukan arah qiblat tanpa bantuan bintang?
Tips: Sembahyang lah dengan modest. Choose a sensible corner of the "stage".
Jangan lupa letak beg di hadapan tempat sujud.
Rational: Orang lalu lalang time ni banyak. Orang buat opera-katak lagi banyak
Kumbaya bagai -_-
Sorry cukie, I found "inner peace" just from watching you guys perform the solah :)
0645: Le preparation. Bring out your "tools" bebeh.
Rational: You wouldn't wanna miss recording the jakun-ness on your friends' faces!
Model: Aisyah. Multi-talented artist/photographer. eh?
Model: El Bieber Dollah, multi-tasker: Photographer/model, lewls.
Tips: Bawak spaghetti ke, lasagna ke, beef/lamb steak dan yang seangkatan dengannya.
Rational: You'll be hungry like faaagh! haha, well just a suggestion. HIHI
Model: Candid & anonymous, Sya-syafriz
0705: (not sure about the timing, le me was bizzay) Dawn.
Tips: MOST IMPORTANT, bring a camera. Patutnya ni habaq awai-awai, hew hew.
Rational: You'll witness one of God's most beautiful creation, sunrise.
Tips: Time ni nak jakun/batak takpe :) It really was that awe-striking!
Model/s: Let this remain unknown.
This was downhill. Apa lagi, mari menggelongsor ! ~(^_^)~
There were more than 3 "stages" of the whole climb. That, you'll have to go explore for yourself. Although, one thing I can tell you- the smell of your sweat bawah ketiak tu was worth it. eh?
Bit too literal, ey? lewls. Model: Cukie
I know what you'd say, ain't my face just that panoramic? Eh.
Model: Alidi
Model: Various as well as foreign.
Thanks guys, may Allah bless you for making my weekend a hell of an amazing & memorable one.
muachs muachs!
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