Friday, July 29

the 10-day challenge!

Salam :)

So, I can't find my sony's usb. cilakas weyh. so for the time being I nak buat mende alah ni, tehehe. Yes, after this I'll go shove my head into my Physics notes okay? -promise-
day one : 10 things about me
1- I look tall in a lot of my photos(yekeeee -__-) but in reality, pictures lie!
2- I am the eldest of my siblings and frankly, not many believe so.
3- I am horribly and deathly afraid of most insects, mainly spiders.
4- Shorter, snobby and "malas-belajar" guys just turn me off. seriously.
5- I don't believe in tremendously handsome guys, Nabi Yusuf is an exception okay.
6- I have already planned my life after graduation (including family matters; kids, home, car).
7- One of my teeth is senget, and I wanna tame it with metal rods. but that idea received many objections -.-
8- I was dumb(stupid really) during my lower secondary years, but worked my ass off for PMR and onwards.okay, maybe not like that. I just didn't understand the concept of exams.tehehe.
9- I loooooooovvvvvveeeeeee chocolate +__+  ie; Bueno & Toblerone.
10- I hate it when I don't understand what I'm supposed to be understanding. ie; others' feelings.

today's project :D

salam :)

I know, I know. I'm supposed to be burying my head behind books rite now -__- tapi apakan daya, setan pemalas banyak betul. I feel like studying at night is more, erm. convenient? pi mampos lah. I just find studying at night lagi best :) kajillion thankyous to Mr. A for accompanying me. hewrhewrhewr. *sukasuka*

Two days and we'll be welcoming a month all muslims wait for all year!
uhuh uhuh uhuh *kuzco dance*

So, on Monday midterm exam starts. dang. I loooovvvveeeee exams. *pruut, terkentut =.="
and oleh itu, saya terpaksa lah menaiki belon pulang ke semenanjung esok! boohoo. sob. dan bersambung dari situ juga, me and mommy dearest membizay-boday kan diri masing" harini. and thank Goodness, our main project jadi. yabedabedoooo! <--this word is from the cartoon series Flintstones but I feel that someone somewhere wrote it on her blog and I tak hengat siapa. so, thankyou Ms. Anon. I "copied" you :)

The macaron/macaroon (which ever yg betul) were supposed to be rosy-baby pink in color. Well, at least they were at first;

Unfortunately lepas kita bako dia dalam oven, they came out sama je macam sang brown ni. Wrong choice of colouring tasha. Next time kita campak warna lain pulak yewp. hee.

And this is what happens when a mom and daughter have nothing else to do. eh, no. It's actually just the mom. HAHA. habis lah gemuk gedempol aku kalau duduk rumah lama-lama -__- nasib baik duduk kolej, tehehe.
yes dear, these are Oreo cupcakes :)

Know what? tasha rasa macam nak share some of our home's fab recipes lah one day. But I think I'll just post those yg senang nak buat. awesome, I know. kan kan? puihh. till then!

Sunday, July 24

home sweet home.

salam :)

I've landed safe and sound, in one piece. I mean who knows, lepas ni naik flight pergi tempat lain plak? CEHH. mimpi" siang je tu <--- typical Malay-English direct translation =.= okay dah, stop it tasha. berangan tak elok.

My flight landed awal tadi, so fortunately dad arrived from Pontianak just about 5 minutes earlier than I did, balik pun sekali harung jela dlm pajero tu. Today This morning was fun! Because sampai je rumah, terus dititah utk ke grocery store.
AGOGO batak dua kali ganda lah aku!
lama tak drive punya pasal, almaklum pasum nggak membenarkan kanak" seperti kami yg masih ber-"P" sit behind the wheel :(

So, we scrambled around The Spring searching for Sofea's bday prezzie, (don't think she reads my blog so takpe lah nak tulis here, the surprise is not ruined) -like a boss- and we terjumpa (seriously terjumpa) an exhibition where the paintings were on sale! Many of the artists are uni students, could be for a charity or something. I was ignorant enough not to look for the name of the exhibition :3 hehe.

And so, this was my 2nd ezeebishon evergh :) happy happy. GC really did teach how to value an artwork. orang lain semua gatai pegang" raba" mende alah tu. tsk tsk.

I arrived home to the sight of warm, toasty pink&green macarons. LIKE A BOSS.

I'll be learning how to make these and Oreo Ice-cream Cupcakes later! :D wish me happy cooking eh?

Sunday, July 17

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

salam :)

 Okay, I'm officially redbeat. bukan redbeat ubi kayu tu heh? ini beat macam telur kena belasah and even wearing my green converse didn't help. huHu, kE$h!aN Kit3W kAn? <--- rewmpeetz gilewr nyah. sila jangan contohi :)

  So today put it short, you can say it was fun. and inspiring, stimulating, motivational, uplifting,capturing, impressive. dah, kasi aku satu theasaurus pun takpe :3 I think that was the purpose to our first trip this semester--> kot, so yeah! tercapai matlamat kita hari ini ye adik-adik. (I know, the picture below is COOL)
I don't know how much the painting costs, but yg penting boleh bayar balik duit ganti rugi equipments rosak yg Pasum belikan tulah. geram nyah.

Because we had to get a move on early in the morning, my alarm clock pun buat main kuali pagi-pagi. Right after I woke Mr. A up, eh tak. salah. DURING the call, I heard azan berkumandang. 

Bangun sebelum subuh siot, bapak cepat aku awalkan jam. or was the azan just a teeny bit late? either one or just both :) hee. orang lain pukul 6 baru bangun, aku dok semang bgn awal. 
"pkul 6" lah sgt kan Mr. Alarm Clock? =.=

So, I was the excited early bird. tehehe, si gedik juga wanted a snap with najla si comel ^^ tp gambar comel ni jugak blur :(

The landscape was amazing and the artwork was mind blowing; it was just simply astounding.

Okay this one was one of the most inspiring because tang ni lecturer GC kami yg painted it. Mr. Hijjas dgn penuh honour nye paparkan this piece dekat his Here Today, Gone Tomorrow exhibition :)

From the trip, I now know that,

AB students are mainly composed of sengalians (a noun for those with sengality in their capillaries).

As well as those who seem to always be, urh... in their highest spirits!

Namun, tidak terlupa juga kepada mereka yg sentiasa focused dan tawaduq :)

bosan kah entry ini? too bad u just frickin read it (-__-)

I have stocks more photos, just that I'm too lazy of an arsh to upload them all. penyek buntot aku duduk lama" depan lappy ni weyh. so, till latah alligatah!

**credits to Hafiz Yusoff's, Azhari Mohd Fuzi's as well as 
Ersyad Arif's photography(and mine too not to forget)

Saturday, July 16

EMO week :)

salam :)

   Straight to the point: for Graphics Communication (just GC for short)  -belit-belit lidah aku nak pronauwn course ni byk" kali :3- "launched" off Emo Week two weeks ago. No actually, it wasn't exactly emo week as the activities were carried out for two days only. haha just during different weeks. but whatever. So, basically sampai sekarang pun ramai budak" course Hayat and Sains Fizikal would all go,

"Asal korang pakai baju biasa? BOLEH eh?" ehem, warna merah sebab tak puas hati. KOT. and they'd make their all-super-shocked faces (T.T) when they see us going off to class wearing jeans and all those other cool stuff we wear. puih! yes, please slap me. but not the nose!

It all started off when Ms Anum announced that we had to,
" pick...."

And I was like, say whut kita nak buat apa ni? fave song? unlisted bhai, like seriously.
She said, "write down the lyrics and memorize"

Like, psstttcchhhyeaah lah kan. kata fave kan, mcm pelik je tatau lyrics. padahal aku pinjam hp org jugak nak google lyrics. HEHE. but that was only because I was unsure. tehehe.

    While everyone was all worked up, (yela bab" music ni mmg youths today kenot stand if ya know what I mean) semua nak party like a rockstar je. lol: then, kapoww! semua kena tendang dekat groinds, even if the girls don't have any. *awkward statement* sebab we were all to perform the song, repeat, perform aka SING in front of everyone. and that we were marked. crapness.

yes, the red-circled heads were the judges : our tutors! and dare I say it, tutors GC semua hot hot! HAHA, ehem. Ms. Anum yg cakap -___- so we sang right infront of them, hee. segan gila nak mati.

yup, semua menyanyi dengan bergaya :)

But there were also those braver than others:D

they sang dekat depan terus bhai, unlike moi. malu malu.
ehem, I'm a debater okay. takde nye aku pergi melalak in front of a live audience. lol, sorry for the low quality. entah apa masalah camera when this photo was taken :)

    After all, dah nama pun EMO week. everything had to relate to EMO(tions, kot?) okay, that doesn't make sense =.= whatever and moving on; there was singing, so dancing pun mestilah ada! I know, korang mcm tak percaya kan kitorg ada kelas" macam ni? but yeah. it's true woman! (or man, if you are one)
   I'm guessing as the course itself is called Graphic Communication, thus semua benda yg berkaitan dengan komunikasi kitorg redah. Be it verbally, physically, mentally, emotionally, visually and byk byk lyly lagi :)

The task was to move your body parts (which later on looks like crappy "konon" contemporary dancing) according to a map we all drew on a piece of paper.

Here is my map: idk if you can see and understand, but who cares. HAHA.
I redrew it via Microsoft Paint. close enough.

So, the tutors held out our maps in front of us like so,

And we danced accordingly lah. with everyone else looking at you. no pressure.

And, and this is what happens when inexperienced teenagers try to "dance" contemporary;

Of course, I felt like my legs wanted to fall off. and that every move I made was silly.

Then again, some of us just had to get carried away. 

Dancing just got the adrenaline going! xD

But basically, when Ms Anum queried whether we had fun or not,
I said " YES! "

and as for tomorrow, here we come Rimbun Dahan: first field trip of the semester! yayy ^_^

credit to Ersyad's camera. and to the anon photographer =.=

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