Monday, June 27

short outing, but exhausting!

salam :)

 lol, sempat pulak kan aku berbloggayng sekarang ni. hehe, alang-alang (bukan Amirul ketua Foundation AB eh?) dah online and nak siapkan assignment ni, baik aku mencegah bakal-bakal sawang, bakal bersawang dekat page ni. kesian, tak berkembang langsung vocab BM aku. tsk tsk, pitay pitay.

Today's plan was actually to just loiter around, and chiiiiillllll *smiley pakai Sunnies hitam* and then I'mma do some homework like det. and catch up on muh tumblahh and sturff like det. hahh, in the end (in the end, it doesnt even matter...errrrr. -In The End, Linkin Park) habis bom kebabom plan aku. balik balik tadi terhengat yang aku tak print lagi utk Environtmental Studies, ES. 

So, sambil melangkah dengan penuh keyakinan dan tawadduk aku melulu ke kedai fotostat a.k.a. kedai print a.k.a. kedai bau-kertas-mcm-nak-terbakar dekat floor G tu. jeng jeng jeng!


siot tak siot -.- padahal terang tang" dekat situ dy letak tayangan umum:

SUNDAY: 3pm-10pm
haiyaa, inna puringge gila weyh.

   Apalagi, gelabah tahi ayam lah. rengek rengek je tahu. ya, anda dibenarkan menampo saya. terima kasih.
dan selepas dibelanja ayam KFC (makan berlemak gila aku weyh, semalam dah order Domino's mlm ni mkn ayam plak) kelorry nyah kelorry! fortunately ada jugak insan yang guna payung Pasum sebelum hujan. bawak printer kau! *dalam letter haritu takde pulak dy cakap tak boleh bawak printer. lepas ni aku nak hangkut fridge terus lah!

on le phone wiz zhe mozher---> Mozher, yes. I wood like zoo bghing zhat mini-fridge ve talked aboutz zhe ozher day. Non, I zon't know vhere itz weel bee plugzzed yet bhat I weel zink about zhat lazer -__-

One problem solved. wee^^ so sekarang baru bole story lory. the real deal was that mom asked for me to find a nice prezzie for Min-Ju (I think that's how you spell her name?) entah. my sister has a diversity of a friend circle. korean lah, chinese lah, sarawakian lah, indonesian-english lah, lebanese-malaysian lah. macam dolah lah. :putnam:

-credit to Mr.A-
aku igt dy saje je nak bajet pro-photographer snapping his masterpiece of his kiwi-juice; tapi malang (memang tak boleh dibau pun sebenanye) it was a candid shot of me. ha. ha. tapi sebab mcm putnam aku rasa mcm relevant lah this pic to be put here. tumbok me.

bla bla bla, aku dgn aqsa bajet explorace atau TAR, the amazing race <---- DUURHH! my heels felt like tuut tuut! my first intention was to find someone else's but I ended up finding my own personal item,ehem".

normal what. ccari baju org, titibe jumpa baju lawaaaaa utk diri sendiri. then baru cari baju org balik O:)

okay so, goodnite. aku dah mengantok. kbai ;)

26th June, Sunday

Wednesday, June 22

MHS; an orientation unlike high school's

salam :) 

         This entry is actually a request from oh-gedik-comel Aqsa, haha. Moment of truth: the other night ktorg meronggeng pegi stalk this P.P. (pembantu pelajar) punya fb. ngeng :) and jumpa lah a pile of photos from our MHS. weeee, satu satu ktorg scan. usha habis-habis weyh, mana yg ada TERbuat muka lawak tu mintak maaf ye. kami TERgelakkan anda. like seriously, terguling tergolek atas katil. please take it in positively dearies. look back and laugh. we had a blast, didn't we? lol *ayat poyo gila nak mampos. menyampah aku! We found photos of ourselves as well terselit celah2 orang. nampak secuit je muka aku & aqsa. sumpah lawak. anywayy,..

The program/me kicked off with urm..apa yeah? aku pun dah lupa nak tulis apa ni. AHAH! registration 
D U H H ! hee, but I won't go further into that. sebab takde yg  best pun. beratur panjang lama-lamaaaaaaaaaaa dan segala bagai, then dapat kunci bilik and siap. oh here are the snaps we happened to selit-selit in ^_^ 

  nampak tak? simply EPIC , aku busy gelakkan gambar org tgk gambar sendiri pun ada.

and talk about gambar sendiri, sorry Meyya. aku highlight muka kau sekali. >.< sebab lawak sangat!

 Registration was exhausting! Okay, aku over.

Everyday, from day 1 to day erm...berapa hari eh ktorg orientasi? 0,0 urh, about day 6 (kott) petang-petang we'd all gather inside the tennis courts-tak silap aku lah court tu utk tennis and -get ready- DANCE! mahaha, to be honest. my favorite part of each day was either;
  1. bedtime
  2. lunch & dinner -breakfast takde appetite-
  3. riadah! say whuhh? believe it or not bebeh. aku tak tipu!
Be it aerobics, the chicken dance, and many many other dances, memang petang-petang kitorg peluh. unless kau menari or buat sub (*sub = cheer) dengan tidak enthusiastic nye. because there are. those. kinda. people. And lotsa them disumbang oleh bahagian lelaki. idk, someone said that. tsha tak cakap :3 

the Ultraman Dance, one of my personal faves. sebab steps dy sereh happening lah!

Other than having to wake up early, ehem ehem, sebelum masuk waktu subuh and aku bangun dekat sekolah pun 6++, we were to be punctual. DOII -.-  common sense lah, mana ada org suka siput-siput baby ni.
And IF kau ditangkap lambat, P.P. bahagian disiplin akan hentam habis-habis! wuhuuu, kelakar pun ada tengok org lambat ni. mahaha, barbaric. because this is what happens:

 as well as this.

However, there were more. These tags they wore in the photos tak best. kalau "SAYA POYO" or "CONTOHILAH SAYA"- thumbs up! bravo, marvelles! XD 

There were times where some were in much higher spirits than others, for instance;

and then again, what they say isn't all that true. the boys did have fun and enjoyed themselves doing subs and all the dancing; contoh* mamat ni, semangat overdose je aku tgk :)

yang lagi comel, waktu malam semua akur je dengar cakap PP.

Roughly, I think the climax of our MHS was the night we went to DTC. biasalah, semua lari mcm baboon bertaburan atas lantai baru mop. besepoh. haaha. 
The speaker or "penceramah" who came to talk to us, entah I think dy staff ke apa dekat  Pasum ni (pfftt! teruk nye aku ni tatau) sumpah tak ingat, because dengan jujurnye saya tak memberi perhatian pun waktu ni. All I remember is that I was suuuuper sleepy +__+

He said that it was a shame that one of the acacians had to leave us due to..cop cop, sebab apa hah? entah, something about being too poor to pay for the fees and junk. so I was like, "oh yeke.." *dalam hati kesian tau sebenarnye. but I was way too far into drowsiness to care and get all sentimental and sympathetic. hee -__- then dyorg started collecting money, nak derma lah for this gal. tolong dy yang hidup susah, kena berhenti sekolah and work with her mother and bla bla bla. kesian kesian. people started to get teary.

I wanted to, trust me- I did- but entah kenapa waktu tu kelenjar air mata tsha macam tanak memenuhi volume yg ada. I just didn't feel like crying. tp tanak lah rasa heartless sangat nyah. so pegi laa, 'konon' nak bagi support dekat gal daif ni. 

The crowd went ballistic- not; all of a sudden & aku pun titibe pelik kenapa people started cheering and laughing (hysterically, I tell you) sampai ketuk ketuk paha sendiri. I didn't get it. biasalah tasha, lampi nak mampos. rupa-rupanya ada beruk masuk dewan. literally, a BERUK masuk Dewan Tunku Cansellor tu.


siott gila =.="

sempat lagi dyorg pose dgn beruk tu.

(aku pun tak mengerti kenapa budak course aku ramai cari publisiti dlm gmba ni T.T )

cop cop, tsha lupa satu elemen penting. 
xi shua shua <3 
apakah ? click lah on the PLAY button -_-

dah tengok? HAHA. talk about segan. lol^^  so, this is mmg a genuine UM trad. kott lah, if I'm not mistaken. kalau ada dekat uni lain tu maybe sbb terbawak-bawak. It can be contagious you know. pfftt!

So, exactly why do I think MHS is better than high school orientation? Well for one, dekat sekolah prefect yang handle. mintak maaf mintak ampun, eventhough I didn't even go through orientation week waktu form1 sebab masuk lambat (and if nak tahu kenapa masuk lambat sila rujuk sini dan pandai" figure out sendiri), tsha tengok form1 orientasi pun macam...ughh, *shiver* no fun lah =.= on the contrary, here: they focused on us. Mainly, like seriously just U-S. what I noticed was the fact that they put effort into trying to add the fun-ness in everything. which was a job well done by the P.P.'s :) 
tak macam dekat sekolah;

Asyik" kena marah, asyik" kena tengking, asyik" kena jerit,
"FORM 1, turun court sekarang dalam kiraan SEPULUH,..SEMBILAN,...LAPAN,...LIMA,..

Kita tengok dari floor atas mmg macam best. Watching the suffering of others kan seronok. memang. manusia ni semua Dave the Barbarian betul. tsk tsk tsk. tapi kalau I lah had to endure that, it wouldn't be as much fun if compared to what we acacians went through for the 1st few days staying at RC12. for that, aku bersyukur sangat-sangat aku tak sempat orientasi dulu. tehehe :P

last but not least, these photos(MANY OF 'EM) were taken courteously from P.P. Faiz's fb page. bro, mintak mercy please, hehe. and to many other acacians yg ada rajin bukak blog saya ni: dankeschon (dgn huruf "o" yg ada dua titik atas dy tu ^_^ ) and yang ter-paling, thankyou P.P's! I had a great time. tak tipu. 

Thursday, June 16

Econs. isn't = econsave eh!?

salam :)

yoo -.- memandangkan my classes have already started (sampai aku terlebih2 semang nak pergi kelas pun ada *sighhh) I dont have ample time for blogging lah. apetah lagi my tumblr. masyaALLAH, entah sawang-sawang apa lah yg melekat dekat situ. probably the whole straight line of siblings and cousins and nenekscucucicits of spider's...urh, web. sheet, apa" jelah. buat ayat bajet nak power je tasha nih. baca buku Microeconomics punya pasal lah +___+ lolololl :P
   Can you imagine, in an-almost-two-hour period (sbb we only have 2 credit hours of Microeconomic; not including tutorial classes) dua, repeat DUA chapter lecturer tu rembat habis? Okay okay, you might not understand this if you are below the age of 18 and you still wear uniform attire to school along with the rest of the kids in your "institution" (HAHAHAHAHA! kidding,kindding) cehh, terasa lebih tua, matang dan besar lah cakap macam ni. padahal aku lah org yg lari petang2 keliling campus yg org igt budak sekolah mana yg sesat dekat Pasum ni =='

*back to the story* contoh lah kan wahai adik-adik, dekat sekolah tu dalam sehari cikgu habiskan dua bab dalam masa two periods. wallaweyh, dua je punn! haha,ayat mahu kerex je T.T  sila sepak saya sepulo kali. terima kasih.

The point is, this is my first time taking the word itself ;- ECONOMICS. pegh, sumpah mmg tak pernah terpikiaq langsung that one day I would ever come across this. padan muka tasha! padan muka, HAHHH! kendatipun, I think I've started warming up to this subject/course :) ngee. which is most probably thanks to the lecturer herself. haha. buat loya buruk plak tengah" orang mengantuk, comel gila! It's not as bad as I thought it would be lah, or that incomprehensible for that matter. budak" laki banyaknye lalok lalok, and then bila tak paham tanya orang depan. aku lah salah satu mangsa nye +__+  Abu, kau termasuk dalam list ini.

   So for the past two weeks (almost!) of lectures, there actually is a fine line between school and college. or in simpler words, lain lah belajo dekat sini kalau nak dibandingkan dengan sekolah dulu. kan kan? betul betul betul! lol^^ No actually, I don't know why lah but allegedly it's not supposed to be that hard to cope with. In my opinion, dekat Malaysia ni je students are not well brought up or accustomed to being self-contained and independent in terms of learning. contoh* books, references, tutorials, latihan, SEMUA cikgu bagi. give, give, give and we ollz pun take, take, take lah kan? am I not right? kannn... -__-

And this comes hand in hand with the "not-used-to-learning-by-taking-down-notes-during-class-and-researching-by-myself" situation. Another contributing factor is the fact that in school, we can get all the answers we want from the subsidized-borrowed textbooks! susah-susah, bukak buku. selak sana selak sini, poof ! jumpa pun jawapan yg kau nak. Hence, no excuses lah kalau kau fail exam. jawapan semua ada weyh. Unlike here, in the higher institution, not everything is provided. WAKENA BABE, kau dah besar! cari lah sendiri jawapan. kata nak besar sangat, nah. ni, lecturer campak je assignment. explain sikit" buat apa, what contents are to be acquired bla bla bla, yedda yedda then hantar a/two week(s) from the given date =.= 
yea, bosan kan entry ni? mintak maaf. but you'll have to come nose-to-nose with this kind of matter soon enough. jangan risau ;D 

just a little exposure for you little peepsqueeks :) muahhs!

Saturday, June 11

what? I am not a liar!

salam :) 

yes, it's unfortunate. manusia kan, when something becomes a confusion at the end of the day what's meant to be said turns into the exact opposite of what's supposed to be delivered. tak faham apa yg tasha cakapkan ni? short story: ada org salah faham lah. a misunderstanding je sebenarnye. and the sillier part is that it's only about where i come from =.="  sengal tak sengal? *sigh*

it goes like this; whenever you come to a new place/school/college (whateva laa), mestilah nak kena kenal2 kan dengan orang lain. takkan nak buat stone macam beruk je T.T besides, I LOVE MEETING NEW PEOPLE! but on the other hand, the part I hate most is when this question comes in;

asal mana?
where are you from? 


NO IDEA nak cakap apa weyyh!

nak saya tulis sejarah hidup saya kah? mungkin itu solution terbaik! kan kan?
  1. 1993-1996: Johor Bahru
  2. 1996-2001: Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
  3. 2001-2006: Stockholm, Sweden. somewhere dekat2 North Pole kalau u tatau-.-
  4. 2006-2007: Ayer Keroh, Melaka
  5. 2007-2008: Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
  6. 2008-PRESENT: Kuching, Sarawak
so if any of you who knows and would be kind enough to tell me where exactly I'm "from", please be my honoured guest! because I have no frickin idea okay. terima kasih kerana membaca :) dan dengan harapan, memahami. peace*

Wednesday, June 8

terlebih bersemangat


gooooood morning! oleh sebab semangat saya utk ke kuliah terlebih", melimpah ruah dah sangat; saya sekali lagi memalukan diri sendiri. lol,ok takde la secara obvious sangat tp kemaluan tu tetap ada la. bengong nye, aku pergi tengok jadual utk hari esok where as the classes start at 8. today is WEDNESDAY lah nenek! kelas tak start until 9 o'clock. aku punya la semangat mandi terus lepas subuh. siap-siap then tunggu mmber dekat foyer konon na pergi sama. niat di hati igt na pergi dulu, kehehe. jahat betul, fortunately the sensible part of me told me to call her first.

urh, hey Fatimah. where are you?
I'm getting ready la.
oh, do you know where Ain is?
She should be in her room, isn't it?
*blank* aku fikir-----> asal sume org mcm lambat ni!
Class doesnt start until 9 kan.
huh? whatt?!
yeah, 9 o'clock. hushh, you scared me there.
hehe, sorry false alarm. salah tengok jadual =.=


okay, NOW I can head to class. lolololl^^ got Physics & Maths today. pukul 11 dah habis kuliah da, because Environmental Studies is a no-no for this week. tehehe >:D tata :*

Tuesday, June 7

Hello tomorrow!

salam :) *please be informed that this entry was supposed to be posted about more than a week ago, tapi sebab keserabutan tahap gaban punya pasal nak daftar uni; i couldnt make it. tehehe-__-

wah wah! excited! psyched! hyped! lol, sorry. dah mcm tak betul pulak tasha ni. because, tomorrow

I'm officially a Uni student! ^^ 

haha, lillah hita'ala I never meant to brag or be boastful. sape yg tanak baca entry ini, sila blah :) pls don't criticize me. you'll only award yourself a closer front-seat to H$#! kan kan kan? tak paham sudah!

I dapat kenal2 dgn my future roommie, ms. O-pretty Aqsa. loll^^ she is, isnt she?


aqsa && ili, hee.

and what was even better was the fact that I met a few other bekas Semashurians :) my first impression/s:
mereka -----> friendly, chatterbox(es)

memang sesuai sgt lah dengan aku yg byk cakap mcm nenek ni kan :3 hehe. I had a blast guys. no wonder you all sayang gila baby nak mati your 7th Saviours tu. because I know I'd love them too! hee. mcm ayat nak ngorat plak aku ni? =.=

so, bila dah kenal kenal tu we took our time catching up (erm, dorang jela. aku dengar" aje) hehe. yes, semashur byk gossip hot! i pun bajet bajet tau then join the club lah kan. apa lagi? they too were sweethearts siap introduce lagi sape watak" dlm gosip tu so that i would understand the whole story. lol xD oh and not to forget, snaps were most definitely taken! ili la terbaik, nasib baik comel :)

aqsa, ili & hajar ^^

aqsa seem puny gilaa in this photo +.+

we're ex-classmates back in 2000. reunion tak terundang :P

camera: wajib dalam handbag!

yea yea, saya memang pendek. deal with it!

anyway, since this entry has been re-edited and bla bla bla so on so forth process yang lain, I can officially say now that

I have successfully completed MHS! weheew!
and had lotsa fun while at it :D :D

muka poyo + peliks saya. mintak maaf.
bila eh I patut merapik pasal MHS yang gila baby-awesome tu? hmm, when I have the time lah. currently, I terpaksa pinjam my roommie punya notebook since mine isn't present at the moment. booohooo, I know. dah la kat sini bawak electrical appliances kena charge tau. lappy Rm20! charger handphone Rm10. tahik hidong masin much tasha ni? suka hati kau lah nak cakap apa :3 dont give a sheet. hehe. 

till next time!...urh, when i have time that is :(
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